Elastic File Storage- EFS
- AWS managed Network File System (NFS)
- Can be mounted to multiple EC2 instances across AZs
- Pay per use (no capacity provisioning)
- Auto scaling (up to PBs)
- Compatible with Linux based AMIs (POSIX file system)
- Uses security group to control access to EFS
- Lifecycle management feature to move files to EFS-IA after N days
- General Purpose (default)
- latency-sensitive use cases (web server, CMS, etc.)
- Max I/O
- higher latency & throughput (big data, media processing)
Throughput Mode​
Bursting (default)​
- Throughput: 50MB/s per TB
- Burst of up to 100MB/s.
- Fixed throughput (provisioned)
- auto scales throughput up or down based workloads
- up tp 3GB/s for read and 1 GB/s for writes
- Used for unpredictable workloads
Storage Classes​
- Standard - for frequently accessed files
- Infrequent access (EFS-IA) - cost to retrieve files, lower price to store
- Archive- rarely accessed data (few times each year), 50% cheaper
- Implement Lifecycle policies to move files between storage tiers
- EFS Security Groups to control network traffic
- POSIX Permissions to control access from hosts by IAM User or Group