Simple Notification Service
- Used to broadcast messages
- Pub-Sub model (publisher publishes messages to a topic, subscribers listen to the topic)
- Instant message delivery (does not queue messages)
- In-flight encryption by default using HTTPS API
- At-rest encryption using KMS keys (optional)
- Client-side encryption
Access Management​
- lAM policies to regulate access to the SNS API
- SNS Access Policies (resource based policy)
- Used for cross-account access to SNS topics
- Used for allowing other AWS services to publish to an SNS topic
Standard Topics​
- Highest throughput
- At least once message delivery
- Best effort ordering
- Subscribers can be:
- SQS queues
- HTTP / HTTPS endpoints
- Lambda functions
- Emails (using SNS)
- SMS & Mobile Notifications
- Kinesis Data Firehose (KDF) to send the data into S3 or Redshift
FIFO Topics​
- Guaranteed ordering of messages in that topic
- Publishing messages to a FIFO topic requires:
- Group ID: messages will be ordered and grouped for each group ID
- Message deduplication ID: for deduplication of messages
- Can only have SQS FIFO queues as subscribers
- Limited throughput (same as SQS FIFO) because only SQS FIFO queues can read from FIFO topics
- The topic name must end with
SNS + SQS Fanout Pattern​
- Fully decoupled, no data loss
- SQS allows for: data persistence, delayed processing and retries of work
- Make sure your SQS queue access policy allows for SNS to write
- Diagram
Message Filtering​
- JSON policy used to filter messages sent to SNS topic’s subscriptions
- Each subscriber will have its own filter policy (if a subscriber doesn’t have a filter policy, it receives every message)
- Ex: filter messages sent to each queue by the order status
SNS + Lambda + DLQ​
- Lambda retries each failed message 3 times after which it is sent to the DLQ by lambda